Ever since the launch of AWS in 2016, it has managed to maintain its dominance in the cloud sector. Credit goes to its expanding infrastructure and continuously evolving applications. They have explored a lot of fields and come up with several features to maintain a better customer satisfaction rate. As a result, AWS revenue totaled $16 billion that is 39% more than the previous year’s revenue.
With the outbreak of the Coronavirus crisis, the need to migrate to the cloud has increased manifolds. Hence, investments in cloud infrastructure have gone up significantly. These factors with key business upgrades led AWS to work on innovation in all emerging sectors. Let us explore what new advancements we can expect in the future.
AWS Trends in 2021
1. Cooperative Cloud Service Provider:
Coming years will see the beginning of joint cloud vendors collaborations. Vendors can collaborate to speed up business upgrades, utilize shared resources, and take on AWS trends.
Multi-cloud Analysis is another boon of collaboration. It includes deployment, tracking, system allocation, and redistribution of workload. Multi-cloud insights are used by several organizations to ease cloud management, develop resilience, and execute better multi-cloud strategies.
2. Expansion in application of AI & ML
Advance research on AI & ML is continuing to expand. Besides basic research, the scope of AI & ML is growing as big as exploring a collection of research papers.
Cloud seems to be the best fit for AI & ML. As it can help with heavy computational demands and can support collection, sharing, and storing data on large scale.
Amazon SageMaker, AWS lake formation, and AWS Glue are some of the cloud solutions that can extract information from data stored in Amazon S3 (a simple storage service). These services build metadata, query it, and analyze results using advanced AI and ML frameworks.
3. Amazon DevOps Guru
It is one of the latest AWS trends. This service helps in boosting the efficiency and availability of the programmer. It identifies the activities that show unusual behavior and spot it out so that you can take care of organizational problems before it affects your customers.
4. Connecting to Big Data & IoT
Both Big data and IoT are selling like hotcakes and companies are looking for a way to combine these technologies. Big data processes and analyzes data of a particular entity. IoT embedded in specialized tools with valid data can be used for industrial purposes.
If big data and IoT use the cloud, a company can maximize its performance. It will also help in deriving fruitful insights and making good strategic choices.
AWS has launched AWS IoT Greengrass, an open-source IoT cloud service that lets you develop, deploy and manage applications.
5. Amazon DocumentDB:
Amazon DocumentDB is another cutting-edge feature of AWS. It is a fast, scalable, and fully manageable document database service which is MongoDB compatible. It also allows you to use your existing MongoDB server and tools. DocumentDB facilitates database management tasks such as setup, configuration, backup, or scaling. It increases the efficiency of MongoDB by 100%.
AWS is known for coming up with innovative solutions. It is leaving no stone unturned in coping up with the new advancements. We have discussed the recently emerging trends where AWS is launching new services. These new services can be easily integrated with upcoming technologies like AI, ML, IoT, & Big Data.
Reach out to us at contact.us@virtuetechinc.com for sharing your thoughts on the rising trends in AWS Cloud and we will help you find out its scope in your business.